Need More Testers Of Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha # 3...

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Mon Mar 14 15:34:24 UTC 2011

On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:17:40 -0400
Jeff Lane <jeff at> wrote:

> Are you saying that YOU are not part of Ubuntu?  That is kinda the
> whole point of the "Community" at large.  WE are all part of the
> community, WE who develop, test, and even just USE Ubuntu are part of
> the larger Ubuntu Community.  

I agree that the word should have that connotation, but
there appears to be some slight problem with that idea:

Let's look at just one sentence from the CoC as example:
"We expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when
dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the
Ubuntu project and with users of Ubuntu."

Let's strip it down a little:
"We expect members of the Ubuntu community to be respectful when
dealing with... users of Ubuntu."

As a simple user I feel that that one sentence leaves me right /out/
of the 'community'.  That feeling runs throughout the CoC, regardless
of 'Community Members'' abilities to see or feel it, and is part and
parcel of bug 689893.

> Just because someone isn't on a steering
> committee doesn't mean that they have no say, or that they aren't a
> part of the community and thus can not speak up.

The 'say' of the User (caps to indicate total user base) has already
been tested a few times and found wanting in the Ubuntu meritocracy.
Remember the right/left controversy about title bar buttons?  *0% vs
20% against the change.  It changed anyway.  How about tomboy?  F-spot?
The entire Mono affair (still ongoing, IIANM)?

Yes, meritocratic, not so meritorious, though.

All that said, I am happy with Ubuntu generally and use it as my
primary OS.  I imagine I will continue to do so.

I just wish they'd get the danged wording right.

Cybe R. Wizard
Registered Ubuntu User # 2136

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