Need More Testers Of Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha # 3...

Jeff Lane jeff at
Mon Mar 14 14:17:40 UTC 2011

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 06:45, Cybe R. Wizard
<cyber_wizard at> wrote:

>> > ...and you speak for Ubuntu, how?
>> Did he say anything untrue?
> Why, no.  Did I in any way intimate that he had?

No, and perhaps is simply a byproduct of the wonders of e-mail that
leaves tone out, but your tone came across as rather accusatory or
just plain spiteful.  If that was not your intent, the cool, but I was
not the only person who took it that way.

> Where was it, again, that I disagreed with anything at all?  I don't
> understand where you are coming from with your question.  Did you read
> someone else's post?  Mine was short, to the point /and questioning/,
> not disagreeing with anything.

One could infer, that simply implying "you don't speak for the
community" is implying that everything he says is invalid, or at the
very least that what he has to say isn't worth saying or hearing.

> And again, I didn't and haven't disagreed with anything in his post.
> Where do you find disagreement?  ...and why, since it obviously isn't
> there?

But in any case, point taken, poor choice of words on my part, however
it was more polite than me saying "What gives you the right to
question someone in the community asking the community to help Ubuntu

> I /did/ question his place to issue a call for testers /in the name of
> Ubuntu/.  His use of the word, "we," in his post surely indicates to
> you, as it did to me, that he speaks for Ubuntu.  I doubt that that's
> the case, whether or not the /need/ is truly there, a point which
> I /do not/ argue.

Are you saying that YOU are not part of Ubuntu?  That is kinda the
whole point of the "Community" at large.  WE are all part of the
community, WE who develop, test, and even just USE Ubuntu are part of
the larger Ubuntu Community.  Just because someone isn't on a steering
committee doesn't mean that they have no say, or that they aren't a
part of the community and thus can not speak up.  Now there MAY have
been an issue if he had stood up and declared something like "From
this point forward, There will no longer be a Kubuntu."

However, had he said something along those lines, most/all of us would
have laughed at the lunacy of such a thing, something like the
"Emperor of the United States" ( )  But he did not, he
merely asked others in the community, as a community member, to lend a
hand in testing Natty, something that should not be discouraged.
There are a LOT of people in the Ubuntu community who are not part of
some steering committee who do this sort of thing every day, and it is
THEIR contributions mostly, that keep everything going.  Were it not
for them, the Ubuntu "Community" would be a very small place.

> Can you now see that I did /not/ disagree with what he said, only
> questioned his right, not to say it, but to phrase it in such a
> way that it seemed to issue from the Ubu Powers That Be?

Absolutely, as I said, point taken.  Poor choice of words on my part.



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