Ubuntu with Unity versus Kubuntu with KDE

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed Mar 9 06:02:19 UTC 2011

On 08/03/2011 17:18, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 11:40:50 +1100
> Basil Chupin<blchupin at iinet.net.au>  wrote:
>> I've been following the initial comments (cons and the
>> rebuttals/excuses for it) about Unity for Ubuntu and now have a
>> question to those who have used/using KDE and Unity.
>> I left opensuse a couple of years ago because of KDE (with its
>> plasmas, widgets.....) and and went Ubuntu with gnome.
>> Now that Unity has raised its head in Ubuntu I was wondering how much
>> of a difference there is between Kubuntu (KDE) and Ubuntu with Unity?
>> In fact, what's the future of Kubuntu when Unity matures?
>> BC
> If you haven't given the new interfaces a look, you'll find that they
> (Unity, GNOME-shell, GNOME 3) all copy Apple's, "look, I  can't read,
> but I can operate a computer," paradigm.  The ideas of giving all
> programs the same title bar (OK, it changes with focus) and making
> every menu  choice an icon instead of text is just brain-dead if you
> ask me. OTOH, I can read well.  I suppose that if I were half educated
> and half competent I would also welcome the dumbing down of all
> interfaces.
> I really, really don't want to scroll through three or four pages of
> icons to find that which would be on the first page of a text menu, no
> matter how cool the Ipad might be.
> Don't let's even talk about the idea of full screen defaults for all
> programs.

Ummmm...thanks for this, Cybe, but it doesn't quite answer my 
question(s) unless what you are trying to state is that KDE is much, 
much better than Unity, Gnome-shell and Gnome 3 :-) .

(I installed Kubuntu yesterday (with KDE 4.6) and found that it is as 
disagreeable as it was when I left it a couple of years ago. (Yak! in 
other words.))

I am waiting until the end of the month when 11.04 beta 1 comes out and 
then will try it out for myself - Unity must have SOMETHING acceptable 
in it, yes? :-)


"Aaah....another pointless day when I've achieved nothing."
                   Bender, Futurama.

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