copy or save to root question

JONATHAN MORTON mortonjt5000 at
Wed Mar 9 01:45:28 UTC 2011

running Lucid Lynx on dual boot intel celeron 64bit win7 system

trying to get fsusb on or in root. downloaded via firefox. tried using sudo -i,  but i cannot cp fsusb to / or /usr/local/bin. i am running short to does this on time. need help. here are the directions from class:      thx.

1. Download the 
          fsusb executable program to your home directory. Use a web browser 
          in KDE.
        2. Open a terminal 
        3. Become root and 
          copy the executable file to an executable directory:
          $ su
          # cp fsusb /usr/local/bin
        4. Make the file 
          executable and give it sufficient privileges:

            # cd /usr/local/bin

            # chown root:root fsusb
          # chmod 711 fsusb

            # chmod u+s fsusb 

            # exit 

        5. Now test your 
          installation from your home directory by executing the following command:
          $ fsusb
          You should see 
            the following response:
          fsusb: Software 
            for "PICDEM Full Speed USB" demo board 

            fsusb <file> program board with <file> and verify 

            fsusb --program <file> program board with <file> and verify 

            fsusb --verify <file> verify board against <file> 

            fsusb --read <file> read board, saving result in <file>
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