completely disable touchpad

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at
Mon Mar 7 13:43:08 UTC 2011

Dear all
I have this nasty bug on my HP where simply touching the touchpad
grabs focus and holds it. This means that the slightest touch and I
can no longer use the mouse to perform any click at all.

I tried to disable it as suggested here [1]
xinput list | grep -i touchpad
xinput set-prop 15 "Device Enabled" 0

and it seemed to work bar for one case: when I suspend and then
re-awake the laptop, the touchpad gets activated again. And now and
then I get careless and touch the thing, and the system gets stuck.

I think that best would be some Xorg config or making sure that the
appropriate driver is not loaded, but I'm not sure which one that
would be. Any ideas?


disabling Touchpad

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