A Moving to Linux Question

M.R. makrober at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 16:33:14 UTC 2011

On 03/05/2011 04:02 PM, Bill Stanley wrote:
> There might be some complications with installing a new HD. I don't know
> if it is still that way but M$ required you to reactivate Windows if you
> made significant changes to your computer...

Correct, however...

> A new HD was one of these significant changes.

Microsoft's rules determining what is "significant" are indeed quite
capricious, but in my previous experience (on XP, which was the last
Microsoft OS I used) just adding a hard drive to a secondary SATA
channel never provoked a re-activation request. Neither did the
re-partitioning of an existing laptop drive, such as required to
install dual boot Ubuntu. However, IIRC, replacing the hard drive
with a clone, did.

> To get a new activation, you often had to jump
> through many hoops and was a pain. At the very least, you had to be on
> the phone with a M$ rep for a very long time.

I remember doing it over the phone, but using an automated
question/answer sequence, quite quick and simple.

As I mentioned, my experience is somewhat stale. Perhaps some list
members enjoying current Redmond crop can offer a more up-to-date

Mark R.

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