how to make symbols used in differential equations and maths etc character map information needed

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Sat Mar 5 15:19:29 UTC 2011

I wanted to know with respect to a link here
if you look at the CAPTCHA section the answer of which it is solution
of a differential equation given.
The answer to the CAPTCHA does not needs any special character map.

But this gave rise to a question in my mind  if there is there some
math library to enter such things.
How can I enter such a mathematical thing in a web form.(The above
link is just an example.)

I googled but
the link comes with some C libraries for calculations.
I then checked Gnome Documentation for Character Maps
but it was not helpful for me.
Then I also checked a page here
and one more link
but not clear as how to put such mathematical symbols which consists
of complex differential equations.What font
do I need to install for typing such characters.

I use Ubuntu 10.04.


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