Jesus! I hate 11.04, WTF happened? This is awful. Somebody's head should be smacked!

Alan Pope popey at
Sat Mar 5 10:11:10 UTC 2011


On 5 March 2011 10:02, sdavmor <sdavmor at> wrote:
> So...I want gnome back on my desktop immediately and unity drop-kicked
> over the horizon, never to be seen again.

Booting 11.04 to the logon screen you'll find an option to choose
'session'. You can select Classic GNOME for the traditional 2-panel
layout you're used to.

> ...and I despise Firefox 4 (barf). It's as bad (maybe worse) than
> Idiot Explorer 8. I never thought I'd say that about a *nix based
> browser. So I want my 3.6x back.

Mozilla provide the source code and binary installers for their
browser. You can get them from their website.


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