Application launcher

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Fri Mar 4 02:55:47 UTC 2011

MR ZenWiz wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Jim Byrnes<jf_byrnes at>  wrote:
>> I tried to use a desktop shortcut to launch an ooBase form and a dialog
>> popped up saying it was not trusted with the only option being to cancel.
>> How do I mark it as trusted?
> What are the properties of the shortcut?  Is it just an icon on your
> desktop or is it in a panel (this may not be relevant)?  How did you
> put it where it is (this may be the key)?
> I just copied a file from a nautilus folder to my desktop and it
> opened just fine when double-clicked, so there must be something a
> little more subtle about yours.

It was put there by an open office extension.  I don't remember the 
properties.  I found another way to do what I need to do, so I deleted 
the shortcut and the extension.

Thanks,  Jim

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