Introduction [OT]

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Mar 4 00:36:51 UTC 2011

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> On 3/3/2011 5:15 PM, Niki Kovacs wrote:
>> I admit I'm more proficient with CentOS than Fedora (which I wouldn't
>> recommend to anyone with high blood pressure :oD), but there's always a rule
>> of thumb to follow : be careful when mixing third party repos... and most of
>> the times, avoid to do so. I've always been using a mix of RPMForge for
>> applications and ELRepo for drivers, kernels and the likes.
>> With Ubuntu, 99% of the stuff I need (cowsay, etc. --> just kidding) seems
>> to be in the official repos already. Which is one of the reasons I've been
>> moving to Ubuntu.
> A lot of the software provided by Ubuntu is not official. Just sayin' :P
> If I remember right, universe is enabled by default which means you get a
> lot of unofficial packages.

AFAIK both universe and multiverse are enabled by default. They're
both community-maintained and aren't updated by the Ubuntu security
team. The difference between the two is that multiverse has copyright
or other legal restrictions.

(Isn't it that they're Debian packages that don't have Ubuntu maintainers?)

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