Introduction [OT]

Niki Kovacs contact at
Thu Mar 3 23:15:48 UTC 2011

Le 03/03/2011 21:12, Ric Moore a écrit :

> I used yum like forever, back when. It has some nifty features. What I
> was referring to was the pain incumbent on the user to get at 3rd party
> repos in order to get the basic "forbidden" fruit needed to get your
> machine to do things like Sun Java, nVidia drivers, mplayer audio /
> video codecs and the like. There was an unofficial war amongst the 3rd
> party Fedora repos to do things one way or another, and mixing between
> them would break things right and left. I have no such heartbreak with
> Ubuntu. I got to enjoy using my computer, instead of the distro using
> me.

I admit I'm more proficient with CentOS than Fedora (which I wouldn't 
recommend to anyone with high blood pressure :oD), but there's always a 
rule of thumb to follow : be careful when mixing third party repos... 
and most of the times, avoid to do so. I've always been using a mix of 
RPMForge for applications and ELRepo for drivers, kernels and the likes.

With Ubuntu, 99% of the stuff I need (cowsay, etc. --> just kidding) 
seems to be in the official repos already. Which is one of the reasons 
I've been moving to Ubuntu.

> Had Red Hat kept their generic $29 box-edition, as Bob Young provided
> for the General Population, Ubuntu would have had a much worse time
> getting off of the ground. Instead, they got handed an entire market
> with both hands, by Red Hat. That, to me, was a terrible mistake.

Recently we've had a discussion about what would be the "perfect" Linux 
distribution (please no flame-fests :oD). I'd really dig something in 
between RHEL and Fedora, which would boil down to the old "Redhat" 
product continued. Using Ubuntu instead follows a logic of the old Jimi 
Hendrix song : when my baby don't love me, I know her sister will :o)

> That was what I meant that switching to Ubuntu was like getting a
> divorce, after a LOT of history with rpm and getting to rub shoulders
> with some of the earliest Linux giants within the rpm world. :) Ric

OK. Now I understand you've come a long way.

Cheers from the sunny South of France,


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