A Moving to Linux Question

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Thu Mar 3 22:55:26 UTC 2011

Amichai Rotman wrote:
> I would like to have a Windows app that can run from a USB Stick 
> (without the need to install it) that will scan the installed hardware 
> and software and give a table as a result that lists the Windows app 
> on one side and the parallel Linux app on the other.

Linux and open source software is not so directly substitutable.  There 
is a *lot* of software (particularly narrowly specialized software) on 
MS Windows that has no open source alternative.  I know I have seen 
lists on the internet that suggest alternatives to specific programs; a 
quick Google search comes up with http://linuxappfinder.com/alternatives .

Slight change of subject:

 - If you really have to have some software that only runs on MS 
Windows, then you either need MS Windows or maybe you can run that same 
software on Linux using the compatibility program called "wine".  (Or 
actually run a real copy of MS Windows in a virtual machine using 
Virtualbox, Vmware, kvm, etc.)

 - If you are starting from scratch and looking for a general purpose 
personal computer, Linux and open source software works great.  (But if 
you want to do heavy-duty gaming, Linux won't do so well.)

 - If you can alter details of how you use some specific MS Windows 
software, you might be able to do a near substitution, figure out how to 
do without missing features (and learn to enjoy new features).

 - If you have some time you might lobby the publisher of your needed MS 
Windows programs to release Linux versions. 

 - Finally, you if you have some time *and* money, you might pool funds 
with folks in a similar circumstance, and commission someone to write a 
new program to run on Linux that can replace an essential MS Windows 
program.  This is a scary prospect, but if successful, it might get you 
off an expensive upgrade treadmill--but you will also won't get upgrades 
unless you figure out how to (probably) pay to get them written, too.  
Maybe even make your replacement open source...


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