A Moving to Linux Question

Jeff Lane jeff at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 3 22:17:25 UTC 2011

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 16:08, Alan Pope <popey at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 3 March 2011 21:04, Amichai Rotman <amichai at iglu.org.il> wrote:
>> If no match was found - a link to a site to
>> report the app to a community database that updates the alternatives, or
>> something along those lines.
>> Any app like that exists?
> Not that I'm aware of.

Nor is such a thing likely, at least as described...

The hardware side is somewhat trivial, and would be better achieved,
IMO with a live Ubuntu ISO that does compatibility testing against the
hardware it's booted on.

The software side I'd wager is a LOT more difficult, almost to the
point of being relatively useless...

WIndows doesn't ship with any software, nor does it provide, as far as
I can tell on my own Windows systems, a way to easily add software in
a method that would make it comparable to what Ubuntu does with
Software Center.

So you're talking about an application that would compare essentially
an infinite array of software to a potentially infinite array of
comparable software...

For a simple example:  MS Office could be compared to Open Office,
Libre Office and who knows what else, though those are the two big

Granted, I'm looking at the deep end of things, but to be honest, who
would be the one to arbitrarily decide in this database that MS Office
will only be compared to OO.o or LibreOffice?  Or that MS Picture
Viewer is only comparable to Shotwell when there are MANY different
picture viewers of varying quality and complexity out there that are
in the same general category as MS Picture Viewer would be?

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice idea, but I don't see that it's
realistically achievable, at least as described.  Now a tool to
validate hardware only to confirm that a computer is ready for Ubuntu
the OS is a different matter and may be something of use.



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