fresh install

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Thu Jun 30 05:12:24 UTC 2011

On 6/30/2011 12:08 AM, Verde Denim wrote:
> I downloaded and installed 11.04  64 bit server to my newest laptop (Dell
> E6410), which, according to the Ubuntu pages, says it is "Ubuntu Certified".
> The installation goes through the entire process fine (I'm using the entire
> disc guided with encryption and LVM, selecting only SSH Server), and ends by
> ejecting the disc and telling me take the disc out and reboot. When I tell
> it to continue, I get this -
> Sent SIGKILL to all processes
> Requesting system reboot
> [ 1034.239927 ] Restarting system.
> _
> and nothing more.
> Power the box off using the power switch and restarting it does restart ok.
> Just not sure why it seems to hang at that point.
> After the initial apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, I rebooted and got the
> same behavior.
> Any input as always is appreciated.

I'm rather confused.  If you told it to continue after it ejected the CD
then those messages are normal.  If you are rebooting then those
messages are normal.  I fail to see what the problem is, unless it's
actually doing it randomly for no reason.  Those messages are all normal
messages and nothing to worry about, the only time you should worry is
if again it does it randomly.

Can you elaborate for us what exactly the problem is because your
statements are pretty ambiguous and if you can provide more then those
three lines from the log.  For example what happens before that.

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