Wireless on 10.10

সাজেদুর রহিম জোয়ারদার toshazed at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 18:50:47 UTC 2011

Dear Bob

2011/6/30 Bob H. <hickster711 at gmail.com>

> I have a Belkin G wireless router which barely works on any Linux I have,
> but works fine on my wife's XP. Before I start buying one each of every
> brand, has anyone found what works on Ubuntu? Thanx much; Bob H.

I have used several router of this brand and the class was same as you
mentioned. I configured all of them using Ubuntu / Linux Mint without hassle
where it was a pain in Windows. There is no need to install any driver or
any management softs to manage a router in ubuntu. Just click your browser
(firefox/google chrome/chrome) and in the address bar type the ip and press enter to enter admin as the username and the password
to login to the router admin panel.

With regards
রিং / RING

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