Firefox Alternative

ANDY sirald66 at
Tue Jun 28 20:27:39 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:34 PM, ANDY <sirald66 at> wrote:

> Now that Mozilla Firefox has abandoned supporting their latest version more
> than a few months,

Ok -- this is MUCH worse than I realized.  Per the official Mozilla blog
below, they are moving to a "6-week release cycle", not a 3-month release
cycle.  That is nearly 9 versions of Firefox released per year!!

In my opinion, that means that bugs in the latest version (and extensions)
won't be fixed until the next version.  Why burn energy fixing the current
version when another will be out 'very soon'.

Mozilla has been pointing out their view that version numbers no longer mean
any significant updates or features have been added -- just that its been
updated somehow and you shouldn't care.

I don't begrudge them wanting to roll out changes quickly [although I can
understand why developers and enterprise are beyond upset].  But the meat of
the problem I see for users is that they are forcing them into constant
change and bugs with support lasting little over a month.
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