Firefox Alternative

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue Jun 28 15:58:36 UTC 2011

On 06/28/2011 11:36 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Well, a beta is a beta, no matter if it was made by Opera or anyone elseā€¦

True, agree.

Just saying some beta's are more beta than others. Example, Google keep 
calling their aps' beta when it is working real fine...Firefox beta's 
are generally okay....Ubuntu's beta's  so-so-okay...and Opera's...not 

But I agree with you their stable versions are very good and for most of 
the time, my favourite too (except for a couple of versions, I think 
it's 7 and 8). Their innovations [*] are ....sorry, have to use 
cliche....ahead of the curve, and ahead of others, when others catch up.

Take care, regards - Goh Lip

[*] mouse gestures, speed dial, opening closed tabs, search shortcuts, 
keyboard shortcuts.....imap mail, filters.....small footprint... self- 

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