HD 1TB or greater Ubuntu 11.04 64bit (SOLVED)

Johan Scheepers johansche at telkomsa.net
Wed Jun 22 09:08:07 UTC 2011

On 06/22/2011 10:37 AM, J wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 15:54, Johan Scheepers<johansche at telkomsa.net>  wrote:
>> On 06/22/2011 09:12 AM, J wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 14:57, Johan Scheepers<johansche at telkomsa.net>
>>>   wrote:
>>>> Good day,
>>>> I have now the option of buying a 500GIG  or  1TB harddisk.
>>>> Could be used on usb sometimes.
>>>> Google..seem some problems for  1TB.
>>>> Kindly some advice please.
>>> Kindly advice:  Please ask an actual question here, hopefully one that
>>> relates to Ubuntu.
>>> No idea exactly what you're looking for.  Ummm... Congrats on having
>>> the option to buy another hard disk?
>>> If you're asking if they work, I use a whole stack of 2TB hard disks
>>> and Ubuntu.  Some are formatted NTFS because I use them with both my
>>> Linux and Windows systems, some are formatted in ext3 because it was
>>> expedient.
>>> If that is what you were wanting to know then hope it helps.  If not,
>>> then please refer to my first sentence.
>>> Cheers
>>> Jeff
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> Do you use these as usb drives
>> I use a laptop.
> Yes... I still don't understand what you're asking though.  Are you
> asking if Ubuntu will work properly with 1TB hard disks?
> If that is your question, then yes it will.
> I have three laptops, all with either 500GB or 1TB 2.5" hard disks.
> I also have 4 2TB 3.5" disks in external USB enclosures.
> I also have 3 1TB and 4 500GB 3.5" SATA hard disks that I use with a
> USB-SATA converter as USB disks.
> All work with Ubuntu.  And every other Linux out there.
Sorry for a bad question.:-[

Thanks for a really good answer.:-)

I am looking for a new laptop and when bought will pop out the windows 
drive and store it.
Pop in this new drive and do a multi install of Ubuntu 11.04 and Fedora 
15 and maybe Mandriva or any distro that may take my fancy.
Good day
Johan S

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