Proposition for a new list to replace Sounder

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Jun 21 11:43:55 UTC 2011

5 days ago I posted the following message as a response to Alan in a 
thread which was already rather long and as a result I feel that many 
people have simply did not read my post as they were "fed up" with the 
contents of that thread by that stage.

So now I decided that perhaps opening a new thread would bring my 
request into focus.

On 17 June I wrote this:


Alan, is there any reason, *ANY* reason at all, why a new mail list 
could not be started to replace Sounder?

But a list which:

1. is NOTarchived, and

2. is *NOT* accessed by google

therefore making it "invisible" except to the participants of that list?

Make the list "open-ended" but still moderated to ensure that total 
foul-mouthed wankers are kept out; but should somehow such a 
foul-mouthed wanker gets in then the list members will soon sort him/her 

Call this new mail list "42".



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