GRUB Section in 11.04 Preseed file

nikhil . nikhil.fakeaccount at
Mon Jun 20 21:26:46 UTC 2011

 On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 12:34 -0500, nikhil . wrote: >* On Thu, 2011-06-16 at
15:23 -0500, nikhil . wrote: *>* > Hi Guys, *>* > *>* > In my company we use
the Ubuntu alternate ISO to automate our Ubuntu *>* > deployments on many
hundreds of systems. I'm trying to test Ubuntu *>* > 11.04 installs now and
have gone past several issues in the preseed *>* > file but I'm stuck with
an error in GRUB install. *>* > *>* > In 11.04 x64 installer, I get a prompt
for "Select location for *>* > installing GRUB" and then I enter /dev/sda
but this does not work. I *>* > have tried /dev/sda1, /dev/sda3, /dev/sda5
(all are valid partitions). *>* > My section in preseed file is *>* > *>* >
d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean false *>* > d-i
grub-installer/with_other_os boolean false *>* > d-i grub-installer/bootdev
string /dev/sda1*>* > *>* > What is strange is that the above section works
for the 11.04 32-bit *>* > installer without a problem. *>* > *>* > Has
anyone seen this? Please help.*>* *>* >>I think you need to specify the
partition in a grub format, ie: *>* *>* >>d-i grub-installer/bootdev string
(hd0) *>* *>* >>Marc.*>* *>* Hi Marc, *>* *>* In previous versions of Ubuntu
the grub format (hd0,0) used to workl. *>* In Ubuntu 11.04 x86, I
encountered an error which went away after I *>* changed the format to
/dev/sda. But for x64 the error appears with *>* both formats. *>* *>>Ah,
yes, it apparently changed to /dev/sda style strings in Natty. Sorry >>for
the misinformation. >>What's the exact error message you are getting on

Hi Marc,
The exact error message is "Unable to isntall GRUB in /dev/sda1. Executing
'grub-install /dev/sda1' failed. This is a fatal error."

Thoughts please?
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