Missing Panel Menu Items

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at arumes.com
Fri Jun 17 14:01:57 UTC 2011

On Fri, 17 Jun 2011 14:56:41 +0100, senaqueribe14 wrote:

> Em 17-06-2011 14:48, Barry Premeaux escreveu:
>> I am running 10.04 (32bit) on my laptop.  The Applications Menu, Places
>> Menu and System Menu have disappeared and I am trying to figure out how
>> to get them back.  I would appreciate any help you can give me on this.
> tipe gnome-panel from a shell then add the gnome-panel to your startup
> apps

This doesn't bring back the menu items. The way I read it, the panel 
itself is still visible.
And you don't need to add anything to the startup applications, even if 
the panel is missing completely.

Regards, Robert                                      http://www.arumes.com

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