Unity Main Menu?

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Jun 16 22:04:26 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 23:09 +0200, Florian Diesch wrote:
> MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at gmail.com> writes:
> > I have a simple question: where is the main menu?  You know, the one
> > where I can get to system preferences or administration, or
> > applications other then the 83 that show up when I click the Ubuntu
> > button in the top left corner and expand the apps section.  I couldn't
> > find it.
> Unity doesn't have this.  For those of us who miss it there's
> ClassicMenu Indicator <http://www.florian-diesch.de/software/classicmenu-indicator/>
>    Florian
> -- 
> How to add files opened in Emacs to GNOME’s recently used document list:
> <http://www.florian-diesch.de/doc/emacs/add-to-gnomes-recently-used-documents/>

Or you can go to the 'lens' at the bottom of the launcher and right
click it, and click System.

Also, you can click the shut down icon (top right in the panel) and
select 'System Settings' at the bottom of the menu to get to the Control
Centre, which has all the system preferences and administration items.


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