natty server, resolv.conf issues

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at
Thu Jun 16 18:06:07 UTC 2011

On 6/16/2011 1:26 PM, compdoc wrote:
>> The problem is when I reboot the box, /etc/resolv.conf only has the
>> dynamically generated headers, no nameservers.  Manually restarting
>> networking does the trick again and the nameservers are then listed.
> Doesn't Network Manager populate /etc/resolv.conf if its allowed to run on
> your system? If you're manually editing /etc/network/interfaces, then you
> don't need Network Manager.
> Also, I've never installed a package named resolvconf separately since it's
> not needed.
Hi compdoc,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, NM would definitely populate resolv.conf, but as this is natty 
server, there's no GUI, therefore no NM.   I use the resolvconf package 
because it simplifies the process of specifying nameservers in a static 
IP scenario.  Not typically required for workstation/desktop users, but 
helpful (IMNSHO) for statically IP'd servers.


Ray Leventhal

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