Brief thoughts on Unity

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Mon Jun 13 07:55:20 UTC 2011

On 13/06/11 17:03, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 12 June 2011 17:54, MR ZenWiz<mrzenwiz at>  wrote:
>> That's my $0.02.  No need to argue anything - others will agree or
>> not, and that's fine.
> .. and yet human nature means people will argue or agree with you.
> Please, this is a support list for people to post technical questions,
> not a personal blog. Please refrain from posting these kinds of mails
> to this list. Whilst it may be cathartic for you to vent on this (or
> any other subject) it's off-topic and inevitably leads to car crash
> threads.
> Al.

 From a closer read of the OP's message one could conclude that there 
are quite a number of implicit technical questions in that post in which 
case there would be no contravention of the spirit of what could be 
posted in this list.

At the same time, someone, who shall remain nameless, has removed a mail 
list where people were able to post messages of a broader and more 
general nature, but since that list has not been replaced in any way 
shape or form by anything which is less restrictive and anal-retentive 
in nature which would allow Ubuntu members to express themselves then 
the only place where people can express themselves is here.


"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
                Old Klingon Proverb

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