Imlementing IrisGl but getting error in execution

sudhanshu gupta sudhanshugupta2511 at
Mon Jun 13 05:06:26 UTC 2011


i have implemented the code it successfully compiles but when i try to run
it it gives errors:

Ygl: foreground: ignored.
Ygl: mmode: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: perspective: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: lmdef: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: zbuffer: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: getgdesc: unsupported or unknown argument: 16476440.
Ygl: czclear: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: lmbind: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: pushmatrix: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: translate: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: blendfunction: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: multmatrix: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: n3f: not implemented in X11 mode.
Ygl: popmatrix: not implemented in X11 mode.

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