Ernest Doub hideserted at
Mon Jun 13 01:25:31 UTC 2011

>> >
>> well put
>   DID I JUST SCROLL DOWN (yes, I am yelling) FOR SOMEONE TO SAY "well
> put" (too lazy to capitalize too I also notice). I really, REALLY was
> on-board with the top-posting issue. Now really DOES seem
> ridiculous. Long pages of quotes ...I skip to the bottom, THEN scroll up
> if needed. Waste of time, as is reading this list if people can't trim
> quoted text. Going back to deleting most stuff posted & perhaps
> everything unless I got a question to post. I'm just saying! I'm only
> going to tolerate bottom-posting if people put some work into this &
> TRIM THE DAMN QUOTES! I *JUST* read that quoted text for Christ's sake!
> --
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Are you in need of a foot extractor?
You just posted a rant about people not trimming before posting and
you are guilty of exactly what you are /screaming/ about.
Pot - Kettle - Black

To the poster of the "well put" comment, thank you.  This has been
building up for several weeks.

"The Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood
of tyrants and Patriots" - Thomas Jefferson

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