Brief thoughts on Unity

Douglas S. Saylor absdoug at
Mon Jun 13 00:46:06 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 05:51 +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> I can only sum up that both Unity and Gnome-Shell are insults that
> have
> been thrown at experienced desktop-linux users; they're insults to the
> intelligence and competency of those of us that have been around long
> enough, and more than proof in the putting that the "higher ups" and
> developers could care less about those of us "in the trenches".

   YOU (us) don't matter. If YOU (us) go away & bring every other user
of Linux with you BUT a fraction of Netbook/tablet/smartphone users
discover Ubuntu YOU (us) won't be missed. *I* won't feel bad cause you
do have other choices & well I like Unity so far. I'm not a big
customizer though.
   On a personal note, I find it interesting this "customization" some
people go on & on about. I've got an iPhone. I see Android is WAY more
customizable. Thing is, save a few people with WAY too much time on
their hands, like teenage girls, nobody uses said customization. In
FACT, everyone I know with Android has a MESS for their address book!
FIVE entries that could be combined. My good friend with Android won't
learn & won't let me teach her how to utilize what is a VERY cool
feature, Facebook, Google, etc et al of your contacts from wherever they
come from combined in 1-entry. AND, AND, AND ...this is the best part:
people like this get discouraged by the overwhelming options & are even
LESS likely to explore other options! 
   Now while I HATE dumbing down for the masses, you can't blame a
business for catering to lazy dummies ...they're more likely to need pay
service help.

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