Brief thoughts on Unity

Tony Pursell ajp at
Sun Jun 12 22:05:58 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 05:51 +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 20:19 +0100, Tony Pursell wrote:
> > Having persevered with Unity I am now OK with it, although I do have a
> > few issue with it. 
> > 
> > There is quite a bit of configuration that you can do, and there are
> > lots of keyboard short cuts which make for slick operating.
> > Unfortunately, it is not well documented yet, but there are discussions
> > about how to tackle that problem.
> > 
> > Here are some links that may help you to understand Unity better,
> Regardless of the "how to's" and "FAQ's" and shortcuts and this and that
> and yadda yadda yadda, it's a shiite interface, non-intuitive, NOT
> oriented for "Desktop multitasking" it doesn't matter. It was MEANT
> FOR A NETBOOK and looks like a mobile phone interface. They can document
> the daylights out of it and give the buttons more sparkle and yadda
> yadda yadda, it's still going to be crap. You can put as many strings of
> pearls on a pig as you want, but it's still a bloody pig, end of story.
> I can only sum up that both Unity and Gnome-Shell are insults that have
> been thrown at experienced desktop-linux users; they're insults to the
> intelligence and competency of those of us that have been around long
> enough, and more than proof in the putting that the "higher ups" and
> developers could care less about those of us "in the trenches".
> MY $0.20 AUD (which is about, um, what, $0.30 USD now?) ;)
> -- 
> yankdownunder
> reg'd linux user #267497
> --------------------------------------
> Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire.
> --------------------------------------
> I run linux, now go STFU.

Sorry if I troubled you.  It's just that there are many people who have
come across Unity for the first time and disliked it but began to
appreciate it once they had more information.

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