11.04 boot issues

Scott Lipcon slipcon at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 16:23:34 UTC 2011


I'm having some trouble with getting a new system up & running.  This is my
first attempt at booting off a big disk, and I'm probably just doing
something dumb.

Software:  Mythbuntu 11.04 64bit and Ubuntu Desktop 11.04 64bit - tried
both, both behave the same.
Hardware:  Intel motherboard, i5 CPU, 2Tb disk.

Bios has an option called "UEFI Boot" - it says it needs to be enabled to
boot off of >2Tb disks.  When its disabled, in fact it wont boot off the
disk at all - it skips right past it and attempts to network book.   So, I'm
working with it enabled.

When I do a mythbuntu or ubuntu install, and tell it to "use the whole
disk", everything ends up ok.    However, the ultimate goal for this is
mythbuntu, so I'd really like to partition it (small-ish / ext4,  the rest
of the disk as a large jfs for the mythtv recordings).

I've tried everything I can find in terms of partitioning, but I'm obviously
doing something wrong.   The most recent attempt I did:

1) install "whole disk"
2) go back in to the install, leave sda1 (20Mb FAT16 boot?) alone, remove
sda2 (/) and sda3 (swap) and recreate as before,  leaving grub set to sda,

On reboot, I get:
invalid arch independent ELF magic

Any suggestions on how to get a partitioned install working?
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