Voice change on-the-fly

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 02:57:59 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 14:29 +0530, Icarus Alive wrote: 
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 17:19 +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> >> On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 02:56 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> >>
> >> > Are you saying you wish to switch microphone sources on the fly?
> >> > pavucontrol does that. You may have to install it from the repos,
> >> > although it should be installed by default it isn't. Select the input
> >> > tab and select the input device you wish to use. :) Ric
> >>
> >> Jeez Ric, yer just SO out of touch...dang...they want to take mic input
> >> and make it sound like, ya know, they've been suckin helium, mate!
> >> C'mon! (or petrol, or airplane glue, or nitrous oxide, or skidmarks...)
> >> ;)
> >
> > Ah, you can do that on the fly? Sounds like someone wants a voice
> > scrambler for cheap. I really couldn't figure that from the OP's
> > description of what he was trying to do.
> >
> The guitar fx one is the best advise, and should work.
> Audacity would work but for offline/batch conversion... but it should
> not be too much to use of the same algorithms into a realtime
> processing pipeline. Some of those algorithms however are pretty
> processor intensive and in realtime YMMV.

I used to record sample voice wav files (and banging cans, toast popping
out, bird calls, blenders, you name it), insert them into a Amiga
style .mod file with the Linux version of Tracker. Then I could speed
them up or slow them down to change pitch, during playback, to compose
computer music. Lotsa fun. That was back in the 4 channel days, now they
can have 20-30 channels with the newer formats. 

I'm not totally un-kewl and un-hip ...not totally. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 

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