What happened to Sounder`

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun Jun 5 12:39:31 UTC 2011

On 5 June 2011 13:07, Michael Comperchio <mcmprch at gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to ask a question that I’ll get crucified if I ask it on this list…
> what happened to sounder?

If it's a support question then you won't get crucified. If you want
to sound off about something, rather than ask a specific support
question then there are plenty of places to do this online.

Apparently the people who used to frequent Sounder have a new Google
group called 'bikeshed' which you may find useful for your purposes.
There's always http://askubuntu.com/ as well which is a very nice site
for asking all manner of questions.


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