The problem ubuntu/canonical needs to address

arif tuhin etothepowerpi at
Sat Jun 4 09:39:48 UTC 2011

From: anothermindbomb at
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2011 10:34:35 +0100
Subject: Re: The problem ubuntu/canonical needs to address
To: ubuntu-users at

On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 7:53 AM, arif tuhin <etothepowerpi at> wrote:

I was talking about a seamless upgrade process which dabian has. Most of the times you cant upgrade ubuntu without breaking something along the way. I always had issues. Yes those issues can be solved. Most of the issues solve themselves in next update/patches. But this is ok when i'm using it at home, not ok for a production environment. The reason behind this breaking random stuff is related to the too much tweaking of the basic stack. Where as distros like debian/centos plays conservative, ubuntu plays more like fedora. But the design choices of fedora are fundamentally different from ubuntu (Freedom,First Vs Linux for human beings :)). To achieve a business adoption i guess ubuntu should follow a more conservative path in turms of adoption of new technology.

I can only speak from personal experience, and I don't run Ubuntu on any of my production machines (AIX 5.3 instead) but I've never had any major issues when upgrading LTS boxes. Certainly nothing that I can recall anyway. Perhaps if the Ubuntu stack is changed too much for you then you should be running straight Debian.

I enjoy the release early, release often approach. If you don't, then stick to LTS and leave it a few months before upgrading. Pretty obvious I'd have thought.

-- Steve

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