Lost desktop functionality in Natty

Tony Pursell ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Jun 2 09:39:06 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 19:49 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> On 06/01/2011 05:30 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> > I installed Natty/Unity on my Thinkpad Edge shortly after it was 
> > released. Since then I have been experimenting trying to find some 
> > combination of settings that I feel comfortable using. Up until today I 
> > hadn't done anything I couldn't reverse, but now I've managed to mess it 
> > up pretty good.
> > 
> > I figured out how to make the icons on the Launcher smaller.  Then I 
> > decided to enable the compiz cube and that's when the trouble started. I 
> > followed the popup dialogs to disable the wall and enable the cube but 
> > ended up with the bar at the top of the screen becoming visually 
> > corrupted.  To the left it was just multicolored lines, in the center 
> > was a small multicolored box and to the right it was opaque. I managed 
> > to restart the computer.
> > 
> > When it finished booting all I saw was my desktop background, no 
> > launcher and no bar at the top.  The only things that worked was F1 for 
> > help, right-click on the desktop raised the popup about creating folders 
> > etc and ctrl-alt-del popped up a menu to restart or shutdown. The 
> > windows key, esc or touching the left edge with the mouse pointer all 
> > would not work.
> Does Alt-F2 work?
> If so, you may be able to enter CCM or terminal to modify.

@Jim: Did you mean CCSM (Compiz Config Settings Manager)?

Or perhaps you can change your Session to Ubuntu Classic on the login
screen to get you working while you figure our how to sort Unity


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