update notification - natty desktop

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Wed Jun 1 21:45:25 UTC 2011

On 05/31/2011 01:42 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 05/30/2011 05:11 PM, Asif Iqbal wrote:
>> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Lucio M Nicolosi<lmnicolosi at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Asif Iqbal<vadud3 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am running ubuntu natty desktop 64bit with ubuntu classic. How do I
>>>> get an update notification?
>>>> I used to get update notification on older ubuntu.
>>>> I see there are 4 packages that are waiting to be upgraded per `sudo
>>>> aptitude full-upgrade'
>>> Perhaps
>>> Software Sources / Updates
>>> or
>>> Update Manager / Settings
>> I changed the Automatic Updates from Daily ->  Install security updates
>> without notification to
>>     Daily ->  Only notify about available updates. Let's see if that
>> kicks the notification in 24 hrs.
>> I really wanted security updates done automatically and get a
>> notification on my desktop for other updates.
>> Any other suggestion out there?
> ...
> I personally would not turn on 'Install security updates without
> notification'. Primary reasons: 1) I don't like something installing
> itself with my knowledge, 2) during the install the system can become
> bogged down&  may affect something I'm working on, and 3) after the
> install some updates require a reboot&  I may not like the interuption
> of having to do that at that particular time. Yes I know I can wait to
> do the reboot later, but the security/stability of the system may (or
> may not) be affected without the reboot... I'm never sure, so I'd just
> do the reboot anyway.


> To be notified of updates when available use:
> $ gconf-editor
> then: /apps/update-notifier|regular_auto_launch_interval - set to 0 (zero).

So this must be why I have never been notified of an update despite 
having Update Manager set to check every 24 hours and notify me of any 
updates.  Seems strange we must use gconf-editor.  I don't recall having 
to do anything extra on Lucid.

Regards,  Jim

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