UEFI and grub2

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun Jul 31 13:21:11 UTC 2011

On 07/31/2011 09:12 PM, Hermann J. Beckers wrote:
> Sorry, but gparted from the ubuntu 11.04 doesn't allow me to create gpt
> partitions, it only nows about primary, extended and logical.

Hermann, I've used gparted to create gpt partitioning. But that is to 
set the whole disk before I create anything on it. I am sure you can do 
that if your hard disk is *already* set as a gpt device (as you say it 
is). But I am not really sure if your disk is set as gpt.

If you want to, you can set the disk to gpt again, but that may delete 
your windows data. To do this, at gparted, there is a device 'button' 
and set device to gpt partitioning. Then the steps...flag as grub_bios, 
etc...as noted in the sabayon webpage (best I've found so far, Ubuntu 
webpages on gpt is not good) is important.

Let us know, Hermann, if you want to risk deleting the windows data.

Regards - Goh Lip

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