PenDrive Linux vs full install?

Bill Walton at
Thu Jul 21 17:06:30 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> wrote:
> Bill,
> On 21/07/2011 17:43, Bill Walton wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> wrote:
>>> Yeah! Works like a charm!
>> I'm about to take a trip (with my Win7 laptop) and am considering the
>> LiveCD/USB as an option to a dual boot setup (really can't afford an
>> install mishap at this late date).  A couple of questions.  How big a
>> stick did you need?  Is it possible / advisable to store the data
>> itself (svn repository) on the laptop and retrieve/save it to there?
>> Or do I need to factor that in to the size requirement for the USB
>> stick.
>> TIA!
>> Bill
> I installed on a 16GB disk... and my encrypted home available is 11GB...
> So that means about 4GB used. I didn't configure any swap. Making the
> assumption that I'll always have enough RAM around... Swaping on a USB
> stick is slow in any case. :)

Thanks, Gilles.  I've got a 16GB stick and was hoping that would be
enough.  Sounds like plenty.

What about the notion of storing the data (an svn repo) on the laptop
and accessing from the USB?  Is that feasible (and not too involved in
terms of setup)?  Updates / deletes to a USB are maddeningly slow.


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