xorg.conf to connect TV via composite video to Nvidia card

Ramon Hofer ramonhofer at bluewin.ch
Mon Jul 18 18:03:23 UTC 2011

Hi all

I want to connect a desktop PC to an old TV via a component video cable 
to watch my recordings in mythtv.
There's no problem activating the TV in the Nvidia configuration manager.
It is possible having the screens next to each other or showing an 
extract from the LCD on the TV.
Unfortunately I can't choose to mirror both screens with the correct 

I heard that this should be possible by adding separate screen sections 
with the "UseDisplayDevice" option to the xorg.conf for them.

When I tried to create a xorg.conf for the monitor and one for the TV and 
then merge them I had no luck.
You can find the resulting file here: http://pastebin.com/eBpxJDig
With this setting the TV remains dark.
Here's the Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/sQ4dKW9N

Today I tried to follow a german guide:

Here's my new xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/cFYMiZ8U
Now it dowsn't find the screen. See line 124 in the log: http://

Any ideas on how to mirror screens scaled to different resolutions?


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