Running ntpdate from cron.daily

Stephen Kuhn yank.down.under at
Mon Jul 18 07:17:04 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-07-18 at 07:20 +0100, Colin Law wrote:

> My question has nothing to do with the ntp daemon ntpd, which I think
> is what you are referring to.  The Plug PC only has 512MB ram and a
> 4GB SD.  I do not wish the overheads of additional disk space, ram or
> processor of installing and running ntpd.  Synchronising the clock
> daily using ntpdate is sufficient.  My question is merely whether a
> script in cron.daily should start with the #! shell line.
> Colin

So sorry, Colin!
Yes, you start the script with:


...and the a nice "exit" at the end generally...sorry mate!

reg'd linux user #267497
Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire.
I run linux, now go STFU.

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