pdftops eps font issue

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Sun Jul 10 12:32:39 UTC 2011

On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, Alberto Priore wrote:

Hello Alberto, I don't have a complete answer for you, but possibly
some of the following may give you a lead.  I notice that the same
question appears to have been reported at:

  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6612132/pdftops-eps-font-issue (1 reply) 
  http://forums.adobe.com/thread/874427 (2 replies)
  http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/xmlgraphics-fop-users/201107.mbox/browser (10 replies)

If you find a solution, please could you follow-up to all of the
locations at the end so that everyone knows the issue has been
resolved and sorted by a suggestion from elsewhere.

> PDF with Apache FOP in Linux then I need to convert into an eps.

EPS is PostScript with %%meta-data the pages.  PDF is a
subset/superset of PostScript and is normally rendered purely with
PostScript macros for the PDF operators.

All three are text-based formats, which you can open in a text-editor.

> EAAFD+HelveticaNeueLTStd-MdCnO_99-Identify-H;

The 'EAAFD+' means that the font has been cut-down (subsetted) into 
an optimised/incomplete font that only contains the parts and glyphs
necessary for the current document.

> pdftops file.pdf -eps file.eps

I've re-read the manpage and it pdftops (part of
xpdf/poppler) defaults to embedding all fonts that have also been
embedded in the PDF.  Are there any options to "Apache FOP" that allow
tweaking of the /PDF/ embedding settings?  'pdftoeps' Manpage:


> I'm sure that in Windows XP I have all the fonts

It could be that Illustrator is wanting to allow you to edit the file
(something that the embedded subsetted font is unsuitable for).  In
this case it's asking for HelveticaNeue rather than Helvetica.

Out of interest, what is the EPS for?  Most software developed in the
last five years works better with just reading PDF files directly
(Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape included).


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