Best Laser Printer For Ubuntu 11.04 ?

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sat Jul 9 22:00:33 UTC 2011

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 17:48, Jesse Palser <SLNTHERO at> wrote:
> I need a good printer because I am making portfolios of my work
> to send to game companies in New York City.

Realistically, if it's that important, you should pay a professional
to print it up for you.  I wouldn't rely on consumer grade printers
for work that I was intending to use to get a job or sell my art or
whatever.  You get what you pay for.

Now, as for printers, I've always had good luck with Brother laser
printers.  Brother has provided drivers for Linux for a very long
time, far longer than other printer makers.  I've got an all-in-one
from Brother now that prints just fine (though I haven't managed to
get booklet printing working just right yet).  However, aside from
that, my MFC printer does what I need it to do and I've used it across
several different Distros and versions.


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