A "green" distro of Ubuntu?

Leo "TheHobbit" Cacciari leothehobbit at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 21:44:37 UTC 2011

Il 07/06/2011 01:25 AM, Johnny Rosenberg ha scritto:
> 2011/7/4 chris <chevhq at gmail.com>:
>>>> contrary to popular opinion, there is a large part of the world that
>>>> only has access to dial up, including parts of nz Canada and the us.
>>> Good one.   :D
>>> You are kidding, right?
>> No , I can only get dial up where I am, and just 10 miles away they can
>> only get through on a 33k modem.
> What about 3G?
> Regards
> Johnny Rosenberg

Not everybody on this list live in US or other "advanced" countries...
Even here in Italy there are places (like the little village where I go
sometimes for holidays) where there is no broadband, nor G3. The only
way to connect is with an old 56.6K modem... And it is even worst in
other countries. Try to talk "broadband" or "G3 modem" to my friends in


Leo "TheHobbit" Cacciari
Aliae nationes servitutem pati possunt populi romani est propria libertas

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