HD permissions stay put

Johan Scheepers johansche at telkomsa.net
Sun Jul 3 18:06:40 UTC 2011

On 03/07/2011 18:53, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 03/07/11 10:49, Johan Scheepers wrote:
>> Good day,
>> I have a multiple boot internal drive (different linux
>> flavors)(excluding windows).
>> Have a external usb drive for backup between these different systems.
>> Now booting in a different flavor the permissions change to numbers.
>> My normal permission is johan johan. I am the only user at home.
>> It is auto boot if from boot or later.
>> Now as root  I change the owner and group -R.
>> This is annoying . Is there a way to make it stick please.
> Grab the UID and GID from the master machine and port them to the others
> Example ->
> Machine 1:
> cat /etc/passwd |grep ^johan
> Grab the UID and the GID (assuming  they are possibly different)
> Example output: johan:x:1000:1000:Johan,,,:/home/johan:/bin/bash
> 1000 is the number you want to grab, the second 1000 is the GID
> Machine 2:
> usermod -u [UID] johan
> groupmod -g [GID] johan
Hi Jordan,
On machine 2 you need to be root to change the mod's.
Groupmod was ok but usermod complains that I am logged in.

Created a user and logged out/in.
Still need my root password to to the change. Still complain.

Any idea.

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