A "green" distro of Ubuntu?

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Sat Jul 2 21:38:25 UTC 2011

On 02/07/11 23:02, Richard Owlett wrote:
> Rashkae wrote:
>> On 07/02/2011 10:49 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> Though Kermit might disagree, the subject line is ONLY slightly
>>> "tongue in cheek".
>>> I'm a Windows(tm) user tired of *BLOAT* who remembers vacuum tubes and
>>> 026's. An internet acquaintance knowing my needs and perspectives
>>> pointed me to Ubuntu as an appropriate version of Linux. I downloaded
>>> the .iso of a 'live cd' (10.?) which I found "bloated". The user
>>> experience was ok, though I'm not sure if the good features I saw were
>>> Ubuntu specific or due to Debian heritage.
>>> A *major constraint* is I'm restricted to dial-up access. I understand
>>> that connectivity using a USB modem will have it's issues, but that is
>>> one time problem. I have very limited access to a wide-band connection
>>> at another location with my laptop.
>>> The desired distro shall only have:
>>> kernel
>>> GUI
>>> minimal browser
>>> simple text editor {notepad suffices for >90% of my needs}
>>> what's required to download/update apps
>>> the *minimum* of other software to make an operable system
>>> The result should be significantly smaller than Win 3.1 {most of which
>>> I never used)
The smallest Linux I know is the LEAF firewall distribution > 
It has an editor, dns-server, firewall, etc. and fits on a floppy disk 
of 1680 Kb.
It has no GUI and it uses special C- liabraries, but hey, you want a 
Real small Linux!.

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