Deja Vu all over again!

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Sat Jul 2 02:13:54 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-07-01 at 11:58 +0100, Liam Proven wrote: 
> On 1 July 2011 07:31, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> > On 07/01/2011 01:23 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
> >
> >> Heh, I certainly believe in acupuncture and bee stings for relief for
> >> arthritis, as they have worked for me. Millions of others do too... but
> >> they're all just ~gullible~ Chinese, who will shortly own us all.
> >
> > I've only been to the chiropractor once and I've done acupuncture once too
> > and each time I walked out of the place feeling ready to take on the entire
> > world.  Especially with the chiropractor because he certainly showed me that
> > my back really was messed up from sitting improperly in my chair for so long
> > everyday, I didn't even know it was messed up until I I could the
> > difference.
> It wasn't messed up. Chiropractors are charlatans; all backs creak
> like that, it's normal. I am sure most believer fervently in what they
> do, but it's bogus.
> Acupuncture cures nothing, *but* the transient placebo effect does
> provide pain relief. Needles stuck in at random will do this, though,
> as will fake needles, sugar pills and saline injections. It's just
> flim-flam. All the stuff about "meridians" and "qi" is nonsense.

According to you, according to your perspectives. Even Bernie Sanders
will say "I have a strong disagreement." mindful of his power and
authority on Capitol Hill. Humans make mistakes 15% of the time. It's a
good thing to keep that in mind when talking about what you feel are
rock-solid certainties. There is a 15% chance you are wrong. Group
Therapy is a good thing. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 

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