C/C++ - Locating a user's home directory - SOLVED

David Fletcher dave at thefletchers.net
Sun Jan 30 13:39:05 UTC 2011

//	For the benefit of anybody else who searches Google
//	to try to find an answer to this question:-

//	Short example
//	how to write a C/C++ program for Linux to determine
//	find the home directory of the user who is running it

//	Use the command
//	g++ -Wall HomeDirTest.cpp -o HomeDirTest
//	to compile this source

//	Compiled and tested by running as a cron job on an
//	Ubuntu 10.04 server with the executable file copied
//	to /usr/local/bin/

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<string.h>
#include	<pwd.h>
#include	<fstream>

using namespace std;

int main(void)
	ofstream DirTest;
	int myuid;
	struct passwd *mypasswd;
	char TestFileName[30];

	myuid = getuid();
	mypasswd = getpwuid(myuid);

	strcpy(TestFileName, mypasswd->pw_dir);
	strcat(TestFileName, "/DirTestOutput");

	DirTest << "This is a test\n\n";
	DirTest << "My uid is " << myuid << "\n\n";

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