
Rob robfleet at dslextreme.com
Sat Jan 29 17:37:36 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 14:46 +0000, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> I have used Evolution for many years and rarely, if ever, has an item
> dropped into the Junk folder. However, recently items have started to
> appear there none of which is junk. For example, today there were 43
> items out of a total mail of 95 items. I would welcome suggestions on
> how to deal with this problem apart from - change to another email
> client. Thanks in advance.
> Noorman
My experience with Evolution is that if you mark the selected message as "not being junk" it will move it into your inbox and any future messages from that sender should go to your inbox.


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