what software should I use to create animation and mathematical lectures

Alan Pope popey at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 27 10:16:29 UTC 2011

On 27 January 2011 10:05, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at gmail.com> wrote:
> Someone among my superiors wants to create some thing similar to the
> video on above link  and has asked me what software can they use to do
> the same.The purpose is to create educational content only.Which can
> have the demonstrations (animations ) and audio also running in
> backend of the subject such as Maths or Finance in question. I am not
> clear as what software can be used for this on Linux or Windows.  I
> have users which use Windows and Linux both.

At a guess the guy in that video is using some kind of tablet, like
those made by Wacom. You could achieve the same result by opening GIMP
(or other paint program) and using a screen recording program (like
gtk-recordmydesktop in Linux and Camtasia on windows) to record a
region of the screen and the audio.


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