Skype @ Eee PC 1001 HA and *Ubuntu: everything works except the microphone.

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Tue Jan 25 23:31:08 UTC 2011

Hello everybody

> > At present, I am trying out Skype at Kubuntu Maverick on an Asus Eee
> > PC 1001 HA. Really everything works, except the microphone.

> Since the latest Skype recognizes pulse, crank up pavucontrol,
Can you explain what you mean here?

> select/activate the mike of the device you're using ~~while you're
> speaking into it~~ with the skype application running and connected.

This is exactly the direction I am looking to. I am wondering how to
select and activate the mike I am using. By the way, both the headset
and the in-built sound devices deliver the same results: everything
works, except the microphone. In other words: how can I adjust my
sound recording settings? I try to adjust them via Alsamixer, but this
does not work so far.

> Adjust the volume and you should be good to go from then on, as that
> will become the default setting next time you crank it up. Ric

This is exactly what I try to do via Alsamixer and also via KMix. But
neither method works so far. Does anybody have a clue on how to
effectively adjust the sound recording settings at Kubuntu 10.10?

Respectfully yours,

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