postfix and spamd

Donkey Hottie donkey at
Tue Jan 25 14:43:19 UTC 2011

On 24.1.2011 18:35, Noah wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to figure out the best methods for handling spam on my
> server.  I use postfix and have spamd running.  Periodically spamd will
> die off and it's auto restarted.
> I am wondering if there are other schemes that require less CPU than
> having spamd running.  Also I have mailman running as well and some of
> the lists I would like to have spamassassin handle spam.
> I was able to find some relevant links on the subject matter but
> wondering somebody has solutions they have tried and like and perhaps
> can share tutorial websites if they exist.

There are so many ways to connect postfix and spamassassin. Off the hat
I put two scenarios on table.

1) You want to scan ALL mail with SpamAssassin, both incoming AND outgoing.

2) You trust your own mail, so you would like to scan only incoming
mail. Your own mail is clean, and you do not host a web service with
insecure html forms to post with email.

The first case is best arranged with something like amavisd-new or
spamas-milter. Study their howtos. At least amavisd-new calls
SpamAssassin as a perl library, and does not need spamd running, it acts
much like spamd itself. In addition, it can scan viruses too.

The second case is best done by using MDA as glue. Postfix delivers mail
itself as default setting, but it can also use more advanced MDA
software for it, namely procmail or maildrop. They can be programmed to
sort incoming mail to folders, and also to call spamc. The difference in
these two is the programming language they use. I prefer maildrop as its
language resembles C language, and is quite readable. procmail uses very
odd but spare language. The latter may suit to non programmers, but as a
programmer I like maildrop.

In any case, you need a GLUE between postfix and spamassassin. I
mentioned those above, but there might be others too. Use google with
pairs "spamassassin procmail", "spamassassin maildrop", "spamassassin
postfix", "spamassassin amavisd-new" and you will get plenty of examples.


	"You have heard me speak of Professor Moriarty?"
	"The famous scientific criminal, as famous among crooks as --"
	"My blushes, Watson," Holmes murmured, in a deprecating voice.
	"I was about to say 'as he is unknown to the public.'"
		-- A. Conan Doyle, "The Valley of Fear"

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