HD activity in 10.04

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 24 21:11:28 UTC 2011

On 24 January 2011 20:48, Arnaud G <lepelerin2002 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I monitorĀ  the HD activity at startupĀ  in Ubuntu 10.04?
> When I start up my laptop, sometimes the HD activity goes on for
> approximately 2-3 minutes.
> It's not always the case.
> It's often before I can login. The gdm is loaded but so much HD activity I
> cannot even move the pointer or enter my credentials.
> It sometimes does the same in a non gdm environment.
> Once the HD activity is back to normal, it's OK.

Have you tried bootchart to see if it provides any useful information?


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